With the Elrian Kingom restored over time, the organization of Seven Tower was created. The organization was designed to house the most talented of the Elrian Kingdom at using the power of the El. Among the organization's initial founders was a famed magician of the Landar family. During its existence, it was an origination which used magic to research and develop tools for the benefit of the Elrian Kingdom. 伊莲娜王国的国力随着时间推移而再次增强,与此同时,一个名为七塔的组织也建立了起来。这个组织利用艾尔的力量,召集了王国内最有才华的人齐聚一堂。这个组织最初的建立者之一,正是来自兰德尔家族的大名鼎鼎的魔法师。因为他的存在,这个组织也利用魔法来研究和开发可供王国使用的新技术。 As the organization progressed and prominence of the Debrians grew, Seven Tower would eventually open its doors to the Debrians. However the influx of these new members were not without consequence, it soon became apparent that the Elrians and Debrians both had different views on where the organization should go forwards. In the struggling times, the Landar family decided to distance themselves from the organizations a whole. 随着这个组织和德布利安的名声逐渐发展壮大,七塔最终向德布利安敞开了它的大门。然而,快速增加的人员带来的最直接的后果就是,七塔迅速演变成了由伊莲娜和德布利安两种观点组成的组织,研究也因此受到阻滞。在这艰难的时刻,兰德尔家族决定主动远离七塔。 Among the Debrians which were in Seven Tower was the man now know as Glave. He performed his own private investigations and experiments in his own personal quests for absolute truth. In his research of Henir itself, he created a machine with the power of extracting life, turning it inside out, and creating new life. This device, he called the "Seed of Life". Knowing the implications of this device, Glave decided to seal it away in a place nobody would ever find it. 在加入七塔的德布利安之中,有个名为格雷夫的男人。他执行着自己私人的研究,只为了追求绝对的真理。在他调查赫尼尔本体的过程中,他发明了一种新的机器,可以提取生命,把它的内外翻转,从而创造出新的生命。这个装置被他命名为“生命之种”。因为他很清楚这个装置的用途,所以格雷夫把它封印了起来并放到无人能及的地方。 In the end, his research would have consequences, punished by the "Creator", Glave was sealed off and sent to Henir. Losing a woman, someone dear to him, as well as losing his emotions and real body. 最后,这项研究也给他本人带来了严重的后果。作为对发明者的处罚,格雷夫被封印了起来,并送往赫尼尔空间。他失去了挚爱他的爱人,也失去了感情和实体。 赫尼尔教团 After Glave was banished to Henir, members of Seven Tower were able to rediscover his inventions and they found the Seed of Life. The group soon became fixated on the potential of the device's ability to create new life out of Henir energy. 格雷夫被送往赫尼尔后,七塔的其他成员找到了被他藏起来的生命之种。这个组织立刻就发现了生命之种蕴含的潜力,因为它可以用赫尼尔之力创造新的生命。 A faction of the Debrians with the help of the Elrian royals themselves, began conducting forbidden research and experiments underneath the then palace. They were highly interested in taking the technology Glave pioneered with the Seed of Life and furthering its potential. If their research were successful, it could change the entire Elrios continent. During one of their experiments, the Debrians opened a passage from Elrios to the core of Henir itself by accident. With the gateway open, the researchers were granted a seemingly limitless supply of Henir energy. With the energy they were able to further pursuit their experiments with Henir. Upon further research, the group learned that the unification of the Dark and Primal El could grant them unimaginable power. With the power of Henir's Passage and knowledge of unimaginable power, many of the researchers soon founded a new organization, Henir's Order. 一部分德布利安在伊莲娜王国皇室的帮助下在王国宫殿的地下开始了禁忌的研究。他们对格雷夫创造了生命之种的技术非常感兴趣,并且相信它有着极大的潜力。如果他们的研究能成功,将会改变整个艾里奥斯大陆。在一项实验中,德布利安们意外地打开了通往艾里奥斯到赫尼尔核心的通道。随着这个通道的打开,研究者们拥有了无尽的赫尼尔之力作为能源供应,他们从此可以进行更进一步的有关赫尼尔的实验。经过进一步的研究,他们发现黑暗艾尔与太初艾尔的同一化可以赋予他们无法想象的能量。凭借赫尼尔通道的力量和那不可思议的能量,研究者们很快成立了一个新的组织,赫尼尔教团。(我不太确定order是不是教团,但目前为止已知的带赫尼尔名字的组织只有赫尼尔教团一个,姑且这么翻译了) The organization would grow into a type of cult who appeared to worship Henir. Over the long period of time after their creation, they would remain in the shadows but have acted in what appears to be defiance against Elria. Henir's Order have managed to launch assaults against the El Tower as well as historically planted spies within the El Order's ranks. Notably, a near successfully attack on the El Lady during the Harmony Festival as recent as 100 years before the El Explosion. 这个组织很快发展成了狂热崇拜赫尼尔的邪教。在它创立后的漫长时光里,它仍然生活在影子之中,但似乎开始表现出对伊利亚的蔑视。赫尼尔教团开始有组织地攻击艾尔之塔,同时在艾尔教会的各个阶层放置间谍。最成功的一次例子,当属在艾尔大爆炸大约一百年前的一次共存节中袭击艾尔女神的事件。